Sorry for so many daffodil photos -- they bloom for only two weeks out of the year, and I want to capture them in all their glory as I won't see them again until next March. I love the way that they fill up half of my front flower bed under the porch -- they are truly glorious this year, thanks to the abundance of rain this winter.
I LOVE daffs! They are so sunny and bright that they make me smile. Ours aren't 'due' for almost a month, even though they are usually up before Easter....I don't know if they will make it in time this year.
They are beautiful! If I had them, I'd be taking and sharing lots of photos too. I'd love to take some macro shots of those sunny faces and I can just see a shot with one of the daffs in view with all the others out of focus in the background. As you can see, I'm certainly enjoying all your daffodil shots. :)
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