Monday, June 2, 2008

T's Find in the Garden...

One of my Class Day students came up to our home today so I could go over his MLA research paper with him and his mom. While we discussed comma splices, fragments, and parenthetical citations, T, J, B, and my student's two younger brothers played together outside. And when five boys are goofing around outside, it isn't surprising that they made a significant scientific discovery:

Yes, they found a young gopher snake. They enjoyed playing with him for an hour or so, and once the visiting family went home, T put him in an old spinach container from Costco. When Keith arrived home, the boys enjoyed showing off their prize before letting him go in the bushes where they caught him so he can do his job of keeping down the mice population near our house. He's a cute little snake, but I much prefer him outside in the garden than in the house, spinach container or no....

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