Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sailing Takes Me Away....

Today the kids and I went sailing around San Diego Bay with my brother and parents. My brother Tom and I grew up sailing as my mom's dad owned a sailboat and we were out at least once a month from spring to fall. My parents obviously know their way around a sailboat, as does my brother who used to take tourists out for sails around Coronado a few years ago. My parents haven't wanted the bother of upkeep on a boat, so they rent one through their yacht club, where the majority of their yacht fees go toward their boat rental. It actually costs less per month than cable -- a very good deal.

As we sail around the tip of Harbor Island, we pass by a wonderful restaurant, Tom Ham's Lighthouse, along with another sailboat.

We sailed from Harbor Island, across San Diego Bay, under the Coronado Bay Bridge, then back past the Navy ships on Coronado on our way back to the yacht club.

My brother Tom feels very much at home on a sailboat.

Tom and J enjoy the view as we sail past the gorgeous sights of downtown San Diego and Coronado.

I'll post a bunch of extras on my Extras Blog -- I took almost 250 photos today, but will post just a few of my favorites tonight.


SUSAN said... make me want to hop on a sailboat. Sounds like a perfect day!!


Colleen said...

Ahhh, I won't even *pretend* not to be jealous. The sun, the sea...Lovely! Fun to see your brother in this set, too, Susanne. Sounds like you all had a wonderful excursion.