Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cloudy Days of Summer

Our mountain weather has been unusually humid lately, with clouds passing overhead during most of each day. The clouds have brought blessed relief from the 105+ degree weather; I can handle weather under a hundred without much trouble. But this is HUMID heat, not the dry heat to which we mountain dwellers in San Diego County are accustomed. Two-and-a-half minutes in the sun watering my garden means that I get to experience makeup sliding down my forehead and stinging my eyes. Joy. But I suppose I'll take the muggy high 80's, low 90's over the dry 107 degrees of early July. And I guess I'll take the clouds, too....

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I understand humidity ~ we live with it here just about 24/7. :-( Lovely shots of the clouds and blue sky ~ I especially like the one with the lamp post in it.