Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 39: Snow Falling

Shortly before midnight last night I stepped out on our front porch to get my black skirt from the laundry room to wear to church this morning. And there it was: a white blanket of snow on our front lawn and across the meadow, albeit thin. Shivering on the front porch, Keith and I watched huge flakes land with the softest "whoosh" before retreating inside. While waiting for the iron to warm up before pressing said skirt, I peeped out the back door and saw huge flakes landing on the stone steps and vinca bushes. After snatching my camera from my purse in the kitchen, I came back, opened the door a crack, and snapped a couple of shots. Not until I downloaded them did I see the huge snowflake in this shot, the shadow beneath welcoming it to earth.

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