Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35: Warming Up

With overnight temperatures in the high teens and low twenties (which is very cold, even for our little mountain village here in Southern California), we've had to use the woodburning stove almost around the clock to keep the house warm. This is our only source of heat as we can't afford propane for the heater, but it makes life rather homey. Although the boys are a little tired of hauling wood....


Wonderfully Chaotic said...

We've been using our wood stove a lot too recently! My son loves helping with the wood but he's five and I'm sure he'll outgrow that. ;-)

Sandie said...

I think a real fire is one of the things I miss most about my old house. There is nothing better for making a house feel cozy.

RedGypsie said...

I miss my wood stove a lot. The Love has a fireplace we use often at his house but there's something about the rhythm of a "need" for fire heat that suits winter well. It's good I think.

Sandy said...

So warm and cozy!