Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56: Battening Down the Hatches

We have the coldest storm in twenty-thirty years bearing down on San Diego County tonight. So the boys stacked firewood all over the hearth and all over the porch so that when we receive the expected 6-12 inches overnight in our town. There's even a chance of snow flurries in the inland valleys where I grew up--that's happened only twice in my lifetime.

So we're ready for the deluge and prepared to be snowed in for a few days....


Unknown said...

Yep, it's going to be a cold one. Which is why I got out of work today, tomorrow and Sunday, seeing as I got sick this week.
Hope that you all stay warm and cozy up there.

sarah said...

Well you certainly look prepared! I hope you ride out the storm comfortably and safely.

Nutrition Tailor said...

Is your house heated solely by the wood stove? Glad you have your supplies in--and hope the storm is not quite as bad as expected!

Tracy P. said...

Those stacks of wood are so inviting! I can practically smell the fire. I hope it turns out to be a blessing that you can just stay put and relax a little.

Susanne Barrett said...

Yes, we heat only with wood. Propane is too expensive! And most of our wood we get for free. :)

Sandy said...

Oh, that looks so cozy!