Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20: Summer Project

One of my two summer projects is recopying my Gratitude Journal from computer printouts from my blog into a dedicated, hardbound journal. I'm up to almost 600 entries on my blog, but I've only recopied 70 or so as I can only handwrite ten at a time before my hands start cramping. And, of course, I'm having to edit some of my more long-winded entries.... ;)

1 comment:

Nutrition Tailor said...

What a wonderful project! It makes me itch to do something similar. I will never want to leave paper and books behind for a computer screen--there is something that attracts me so strongly to the weight of a book and the feel and scent of paper pages... So I love the idea of a handwritten copy vs. just printing out the computer writing. (And your handwriting is amazing!)