Saturday, November 3, 2007

Friday: One-on-One

B and I took his schoolwork to a certain well-known coffee establishment. While I enjoyed tea (I'm thrifty and ask for a venti hot water (free!) and bring my own teabags), B loved his kids' hot chocolate. So for $1.10, we had a lovely time doing school together, one on one. While he worked math problems and puzzles over phonics exercises, I wrote feedback comments on a story that will be workshopped at our next writers' meeting. B and I glanced up at each other from time to time, winked or grinned, and put our pencils back to the paper. When he ran into a tough word to figure out or a math word problem, I read upside down to help him. When it was time for reading, he climbed up in my lap and we finished "Little Bear" together. What a precious one-on-one time with the "baby" of the family (just don't let him know I called him that, okay?).

1 comment:

MaryD said...

It's a cute picture and a sweet story. What a good idea for a working time together!