Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Getting sick last week put me quite behind on my grading for my Class Day writing classes. Then there was Thanksgiving, the surprise party for my sis-in-law, and the Holiday Art Fair all in the past week while I've still been recovering.

I like to spend about 15-20 minutes per paper (each 3-4 pages long), and I still have about 20 more to grade. Tonight. For class tomorrow.

Guess I'm putting in my earplugs while working tonight so no one disturbs me....


Sandie said...

I really don't like grading :) I usually get around it by evaluating their work and writing notes on it while we talk about it. Then I give it back to them to edit. On the rare occasions I do have them turn in papers, I put off grading until the last possible moment because I dislike it so much.

Susanne Barrett said...

Yep, me too. Last minute, always.

I finished one class, then got one paper done for each of the other class' students; I'll return the other papers at the next Class Day. At least they'll have one paper back each, and I won't have to stay up all night....

Colleen said...

Of course I had to enlarge the picture and try to read the paper. LOL You sure offer a lot of valuable comments. May I just bundle up anything my children write and send it your way? ;-)

Unknown said...

Don't remind me! I have two weeks worth of papers awaiting those detailed comments, plus a stack of posterboard sized annotated timelines. This is exactly why I will never be a school teacher.

Dancingirl said...

I feel for you. I go grrr, too, when I have a pile. (I have a few to grade myself, but not a big pile.)