Saturday, December 29, 2007

Friday: Summers Past Farms

Summers Past Farms is one of my favorite places in San Diego; I take guests here often (including Carol and Nikki). A family-run operation, the east county farm contains a huge barn open as a gift shop (selling tea things, gardening paraphenia, candles, fairy garden things, etc., and a smaller barn for selling hand-milled soaps, plus a nursery, a coffee bar on the large patio, and gardens to enjoy no matter the season. I've made friends with the Siamese cats who lounge in sunny spots inside the gift shop and with the rooster who patrols the gardens just outside the soap shop. Weekend classes are taught in soap making, wreath-making, gardening, etc., and often musicians play live on the patio. The farm also holds art fairs several times a year on the back lawn and they also host an amazing Mother's Day brunch which showcases the gardens at their most fragrant and beautiful. Despite the chill in the late morning air, Summers Past Farms put forth its best face to my camera on Friday, and I had a difficult time culling my shots down to only three:

The Japanese-style bridge in the gardens.

Sundial surrounded by pansies.

Geraniums for sale in nursery.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

What a treat! Lovely pictures. . . . especially while it's snowing, blowing, & freezing here. :)