Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Art of Grapes

This week Keith has been working on the grapes for the upper part of the stained glass window:

He's picked the smallest grapes from the purple globs he purchased. Then he has to wrap the edges of each one with copper foil, then solder each one into place. Some grapes he leaves whole and others he slices to fit in better amongst surrounding grapes. These were the smallest purple globs he could find online; ideally, they would have been a bit smaller in size to me more in balance with the size of everything else, but they work.

He carefully places the grapes into place.

Here the grapes are from the back, with the globbly part face down and a blue piece in back to make the grapes a deeper shade. The back of the window must be soldered first, then the front. So right now Keith is working on the window backwards. It will look very strange to us when he turns it over to work on the front after seeing it from this side for so many weeks....

He holds up the grapes for us to see against the window light. The blue piece of glass on the back deepens the purple beautifully.

He couldn't resist making one grape very happy amongst all the others. See it? Little fun "Easter eggs" in the window will be one of its features, and we're not telling Dr. A. about them; he gets to discover them on his own.... :)

1 comment:

Sandie said...

This is just about the coolest thing I have ever seen! I love how you are documenting it.