Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Bite of an Angry Lizard

One of T's favorite activities is catching various local reptiles, keeping them for a short time to observe them, and then letting them go back to their native habitat (whether that is in the meadow, under the house, beneath a rock, or in my flower beds). He discovered this fine alligator lizard in my vinca beds under the boys' bedroom window and kept him in a large Red Vines container (bedded with dirt and grass) for a couple of hours. Upon release, the lizard definitely had payback on his mind.

Did he ever! I think this instance of "payback" requires Neosporin and a band aid. But will it stop T from catching and observing them? Never.

1 comment:

Sandie said...

Ouch! The boys here love doing that too and I don't think they will stop either.