Friday, April 25, 2008

Ocean Views....

After Class Day yesterday (Thursday), we drove down to my parents' place at the beach to drop J off as the three of them took off for Hawaii early this morning. When each of the grandkids turns 11, they get to go on a special trip to Hawaii with Granny and Papa. My parents spend the month of May (and usually several weeks in the fall as well) in Hawaii and when they take one of the eight grandkids, they fly over with the grandchild, spend five days on Maui then five or more days on Oahu in their little studio-sized condo with its view of Diamondhead. So it's J's turn this spring.

But before saying goodbye to him, we walked down to the end of the street to look at the beach, and I took a few photos of the ocean from Pacific Beach, San Diego -- enjoy!

We really enjoyed watching the kitesurfers. J will see many more on the islands as well.

The Pacific Beach Pier

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Homesick, sick, sick!!!

How many times have I walked under that pier? Lovely photos Susanne.