Sunday, January 2, 2011

At Taco Bell

While running errands after church today, we stopped by Taco Bell for lunch. The restaurant was very busy, so we waited a long time for our food. And Benjamin decided to make his own Taco Bell version of a "house of cards" while waiting....


Tracy P. said...

Cute! I have a Benjamin. After church yesterday he and I voted for White Castle, and my daughter wanted Taco Bell! Too bad she couldn't go with you. :-)

Carol Ann Weaver said...

Love the picture of your house! We may be coming down south in the next year or so. Hope to see you then!

Sandy said...

My kids play tic tac toe with the packets. They make the grid with straws and use the front/back of the packets. Gotta keep occupied while waiting!

Susanne Barrett said...

I'd LOVE to see you, Carol!!! :) I miss you!!!

Sandy, that's a great idea. Will use that idea the next time we go....

Thanks for commenting, everyone!