Saturday, August 18, 2007

Before and After II

Having my desk in the kitchen has its good points and bad. The worst of the bad points is that a thin layer of grease develops on everything, and dust clings to it. Several times a year I need to clear everything away and scrub it all down, even to the tops of ink bottles. Well, it's been about a year, and this desk was in sad, sad shape.

Much better! It only took about two hours to get it all scrubbed down and organized. While I worked, I also downloaded all of my mom's Elvis, Platters, and 50's CDs onto my iPod. Time well spent, both in cleanliness and musicality....


SUSAN said...

Kudos to you for that thorough cleaning. I've always wanted a desk in my kitchen but never thought about the grease accumulation problem. :-)


Dalissa 365 said...

Cleaning before and after shots are very satisfying. Congrats for getting it all done!

MaryD said...

I'm sure it feels good to have it all cleaned up (for the time!) Nice to have the desk in the kitchen, but I can see where the grease could be a bit of a pain!