Sunday, July 8, 2007

Clean at Last ... Clean at Last

It's simply amazing how CLEAN our school area is when we're NOT doing school. It will quickly get messy again as I order our school books this next week (providing Keith gets paid, that is). Year 11 of homeschooling is before us, although I'm enjoying our summer break enough not to think too much about fall's schooling quite yet....


Jess said...

It looks like a very comforable work space - and well organized.

Carol Ann Weaver said...

It looks great!

Sandie said...

Your house looks so warm and inviting! I love all the different woods and the quality of light that fill the space. Great place to study!

MaryD said...

This looks so cozy and homey! What a nice setting for you.

Katrina said...

Very nice. I like your wood walls.