Saturday, February 2, 2008

Icy Day....

The puddle left from the last rainstorm is frozen over this morning, and tonight another cold winter storm is on its way. The old timers have been right on the money this winter: colder and wetter than usual.


Unknown said...

I'm sure that it's cold up there. I can appreciate being "down below" where it's a bit warmer. Though, I must admit that today was spent inside due to my succumming to the cold that everyone else at work has had recently. I may even stay home tomorrow two.
Thanks for sharing the pictures about the art in the family. It was fun reading all of it.

LauraLiz said...

Very pretty! You caught the light just right.

Sandie said...

It is a pretty picture of yucky weather!!

MaryD said...

I like the way you caught the light, and that it's all reflection...