Monday, February 25, 2008

Unexpected Laundry

T managed to squeeze black acrylic paint onto his good jeans. Ugh! So after much scrubbing with stain remover, I took it to my laundry room on the front porch, a place I am not usually inhabiting on Mondays. But I do adore my front-loading washer. I'll have to go check to see if it did the job on the jeans, or if they're now relegated to the "play" category....


Sandy said...

So? Did it come out or not? Nice washer. ;-)

Susanne Barrett said...

The vast majority of it came out with two washings.

I keep remembering what an artist friend said to me: "I have two types of clothes: those with paint on them, and those which WILL have paint on them." LOL! With a family of artists here, I should get used to washing paint out of clothing, although using smocks would be very nice.... :)