Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thursday: Valentine's Day Storm

Right about the time I was taking this photo in the van as Keith ran into the bank, a blizzard was taking place in the mountains, shutting down the main east-west interstate on which we drive into and out of town. The weather gurus all claimed that the rain would clear by 10 AM and we'd have a sunny afternoon, but this photo was taken around 4:15 PM, and snow flurries were falling on some of the higher elevations around the inland valleys, something that hasn't happened in at least twenty years....

Meanwhile, the kids and their cousins were enjoying a special Valentine's Day dinner at my parents' home, all decorated beautifully for the occasion. Our entire family ended up staying the night at my parents' as the interstate was closed for almost twenty hours and we couldn't get home. For the full story, see my post on Meditative Meanderings.

1 comment:

LauraLiz said...

That rain photo is wonderful!