Monday, February 18, 2008

Sunday: The Remains of the Blizzard....

To many of you who live in snow country, a bit of snow on the hand is no big deal; in fact, you're probably mighty tired of the white stuff by now. But in San Diego County, snow is a treat. An event. Bundling themselves and their kids as best they can considering no one here owns winter clothing (I've seen many a flatlander playing in the snow wearing only shorts, tank tops, and flip flops or Birks), city dwellers flock up the mountain in their 4X4's and SUV's, loading snow to take home into every vehicular orifice after much sledding and many wicked snowball fights, usually leaving their trash behind them after trespassing onto private land.

The snow from the freak Valentine's Day Blizzard is light and powdery, unlike most of our snow that is usually very wet and schlumpy. So here's a sample of the freak snow that fell on Thursday, causing much havoc on the freeway and Red Cross shelters to be hurriedly erected to house hundreds of stranded motorists overnight, something that hasn't happened since the interstate was built in the late 1960's. Snow looks so innocent and sparkly -- how can this beautiful stuff cause so much trouble?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cool! I love your little story that goes with the photo.