Saturday, February 9, 2008


Sheri and I headed over to the Bible Camp this afternoon for a mini-retreat. We sat under the pines chatting to catch-up as we haven't had a good talk since before Christmas. Soon the sun disappeared behind the building and we were feeling a bit chilled even with jackets on, plus the campers this weekend were some wild college students from Point Loma Nazarene University (my alma mater and former employer as I used to teach there). So for warmth and quiet, we hiked up the hill to the 1970's-styled chapel which overlooks the grounds while also peering up into a nice bunch of pines. We made ourselves as comfortable as we could in the back pews and wrote in our journals, prayed, read our Bibles or other devotional books, and enjoyed relative peace as now the yells of the college students were mostly muffled. This was our view late in the afternoon. Very peaceful.

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