Sunday, June 10, 2007

One of My Favorite Things...

Keith gave me this "widow's mite" a couple of years ago to celebrate my being married to him for half my life (we had married when I was barely 19). I had spied the coin pendant on a trip to Vegas a couple of years before that; it's rare that I fall for expensive jewelry, but this one had a religious and historical connection that I couldn't resist. We then chose a chain from a local family jewelry store to complement the pendant.

In the Gospels, Jesus tells the story of the poor widow who gives her two "mites" as an offering, and He commends her for giving her "all," rather than just of her excess as the other people were. Well, this is an actual widow's mite -- a Jewish penny from the time of Christ.

It's my favorite necklace, and I wear it several days each week. The details are lovely, the history stunning, and the Biblical connection amazing, and I love it -- a special gift from a wonderfully thoughtful husband.


Jess said...

Oh my - it *is* a lovely piece.

Sandie said...

I love that story, and this is a very pretty piece. I don't wear a lot of necklaces, but the three I do all have a personal and religios meaning for me.

SUSAN said...

Oh, this is such an interesting piece of jewelry. I'm glad to finally know what a widows mite looks like. I understand why you treasure it.
