Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pool Day and Party

This afternoon I drove the boys down the hill to our church's weekly Pool Day during the summer. Each week a different family plays host to kids who swim and moms who chat. Today's location featured a very cool slide with the kids lining up in huge chains to slide down into the pool. I think that two of my boys are in there somewhere....

Tonight our church ladies held a going-away party for three women who are moving out of state: two to the Greenville, South Carolina area, and one to Connecticut. We'll miss them all dearly! So here's the group photo; the three sitting on the sofa (Kitty, the hostess-with-the-mostest, is sitting on the sofa arm) are the ones to whom we're saying goodbye, at least for now. God bless you, Linda, Kathryn, and Kathy!


Carol Ann Weaver said...

Great action shot, Susanne! Is that in someone's backyard?

Susanne Barrett said...

Yes, it's in the backyard of one of our church families. They just had the pool redone this spring. Cool slide, eh? And the pool is salt water -- so buoyant! (And so nice NOT to have chlorine!)