Monday, June 4, 2007

Work Space????

This space is supposed to be my desk. My work area. It's jammed into the corner of the kitchen behind the refrigerator. Can I actually work here??? Nope.

This is why I write in coffee shops....


SUSAN said...

What a colorful corner! Do you write longhand or on a laptop?


SUSAN said...

What a colorful corner! Do you write longhand or on a laptop?


Dancingirl said...

It is colorful... Mine's bigger, but still jam packed with papers etc.

Susanne Barrett said...

I write both -- I think I'm going to try to do most of my book on the computer, but I've written out parts by hand as well. I think better when I write by hand -- the penmanship slows down my thoughts and causes me to be more deliberate in what I write.

My usual mode is to write by hand then revise as I type. Not sure I have time to do that though. Writing time is so precious that I may need to just push through with the computer from the beginning.

Claire said...

Ah - but lookey - there are two windows by your desk - how wonderful! (from claire the truly in-a-windowless-corner-deskperson.

Susanne Barrett said...

And one window looks out through a rosebush into my back garden with more roses, hollyhocks, etc. The other looks out into all the JUNK in our patio -- mostly our recycle piles (and I mean PILES, like 5 ft. tall) that we take in about once a year....

The windows are my favorite part of this area. Just as long as no one needs to get into the refrigerator because then I have to scoot my chair in so far that I can't breathe.