Monday, April 16, 2007

Back to School....

Amid groans from the boys, today we're back to school after a two-week Easter break. Here B is going full-bore (and got done hours before the other two).

Today's science project: paper skeletons cut out bone-by-bone and taped together from The Body Book, part of Noeo's Science Biology II program.


Dancingirl said...

Did they do the whole skeleton today? I'm impressed! I enjoyed these photos.

Susanne Barrett said...

Yep, all today! I love that thr front rib cage kinda sticks out from the back ribs, just like ... a rib cage! :)

LauraLiz said...

Love those skeletons!! :-)

Sandie said...

Great shots, you have such a pretty home too. It sounds like a fun project.