Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Vacation Day...

Well, a vacation day is an opportunity to get "stuff" done that doesn't get done regularly. Today I weeded my back flower bed; everything is small as it's "just spring" and still below freezing most nights. At least the irises are in bloom....

Despite vacation time, J still took his Wednesday piano lesson from Mrs. Teri. I love having someone willing to drive up to our house; she's a gem and so encouraging with the boys.

And I got ALL my upstairs book onto my Library Thing site. Total books thus far: 475. And I've only hit two of the five downstairs bookcases. I'm only entering my OWN books, not our homeschool books, kids' books, etc. These are just MINE ... ALL MINE! Bwaaaaahaaaahaaaa!


Dalissa 365 said...

So, I guess you are going to start a specialized library for your town... you could charge a fee for entry? ;)

SUSAN said...

Loved glimpses around your home, Susanne! The more books the better. :-)


Sandie said...

You have a beautiful home and garden! As for the book thingy... I am looking into the one you just scan with. It will be a BIG job when I actually get around to it.

MaryD said...

I love the purple in the iris. And it's really fun to see your house, the woody walls make me think o f a mountain cabin... so cozy and homey!

Susanne Barrett said...

It actually IS a mountain cabin, built around 1928 but added onto through the years.

The irises don't bloom for long, but they are pretty when they do. I wish I could have had my camera in time for the daffodils; my front garden is overwhelmed by them!

Carol Ann Weaver said...

That is a bunch of books!