Thursday, May 24, 2007

Arts Contest and Wellness Fair

Our backcountry creative arts council sponsored an art contest at today's Wellness Fair which was held at the local jr./sr. high school. B won second place for the Kindergarten-Third Grade category, and T won second place in the Fourth-Sixth Grade category. (And no, I didn't judge my own kids' work.) I'll post photos of them with their prizes, ribbons, and artwork tomorrow; the photos I took today all include their first and last names which I'm reluctant to post online with their pictures.

But J, whose artwork didn't place tonight, came home with one of the BIG prizes. The Wellness Council raffled off a bunch of very nice items. B came home with a Transformers toy, and T won a Razor scooter and a baseball mitt. But J is pleased as punch with his prize....

Our director and associate director of the creative arts council, in animated conversation. Here Denise talks with Judith, who is a gifted poet and photographer and artist and musician and....


Dancingirl said...

That looks like one happy boy! Cute picture. Enjoyed seeing your friends, too! Glad you have such a vibrant arts council.

Claire said...

what a neat surprise!