Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May Gray

In San Diego, spring usually means "May Gray," i.e., low clouds and fog that doesn't burn off all day. Normally, the clouds stay along the coast and don't venture inland too awfully far. But today, the May Gray extended 50 miles inland into our town: a rarity. We could barely see the summits of the mountains that surround our little valley -- a real gray May day, even up here at nearly 4000 feet above sea level.

And just wait -- "June Gloom" is still to come....


Claire said...

ooooooo-a whole nuther mood of sunny southern Cal!

Unknown said...

So true! I had a friend who was just in so. Cal and she was stunned to realize that May can be hazy. :)

Susanne Barrett said...

The reoad was all fogged over yesterday, Julie, just like it was when I drove you to our house a few years ago. It was scary.... :)

Dancingirl said...

Hey! Could be the Smoky Mountains! Sorry you had to drive in the fog, but it's beautiful.

Paula said...

I think the haze is kind of romantic. But maybe it doesn't seem that way when you're in it. I love the mystery of fog.

SUSAN said...

Beautiful gray day!


Sandy said...

It may be gray but it's still beautiful! Hope it clears out soon.