Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

After church today, we stopped by Summers Past Farms on the way home, as my Mother's Day request. We saw some friends from church there, and we chatted with Jan, Cathie, Mark, and Veneta in the beautiful gardens with the seven Parks kids running about with our four, playing catch on the lawns and jumping from one hay bale to another. Keith wants to come back with his camera when it's less crowded, and I want him to help me make a garden like the ones here.

Above is the entrance to the gift shop, and to the extreme right, the arch of honeysuckles marks the entrance to the sweet pea/sunflower/morning glory maze.

Here is the shaded Wisteria Walk, past bloom obviously but still lovely and cool and refreshing. Summers Past Farms, as our friend Jan said, is "San Diego's best-kept secret." And although it was at full capacity today, Summers Past is definitely one of my favorite places in our county, and one of the most beautiful.


LauraLiz said...

Love the patterns and shadows of Wisteria Walk!

Dalissa McEwen Reeder said...

I want gardens like that, too! Someday. Beautiful photos and place!

SUSAN said...

What a quirky wonderful place! It's got a bit of that "English" feel too. I can see why you love it so. :-)


Sandie said...

I especially love the Wisteria Walk, I really thought we weren't going to get any Wisteria this year at all. Just as it was begining to bloom, we got a 3 day cold and wet snap that appeared to kill it. I just noticed yesterday, that it is coming back. Lots of green, but a few blossoms made it.